32 مقابلة مع الدكتور لويس مورا عن اهمية المغنيسيوم Interview with Dr. Luiz Moura The Importance of Magnesium - مجلة صبايا ستار

مجلة كل النساء

الخميس، 9 يناير 2014

مقابلة مع الدكتور لويس مورا عن اهمية المغنيسيوم Interview with Dr. Luiz Moura The Importance of Magnesium

المغنيسوم مهم جدا للجسم ويحتاجه الجسم بشكل كبير يوم بعد يوم , ويجب انا يتناوله الجميع ,وسبب في ذلك ان الغذاء الذي نتاوله لا يحتوي على الكثير منه , وسبب بسيط جدا , وهو ان النباتات تحتاج الى الكثير من المغنيسوم للتنفس .

صبايا كوول

وهذه الية النباتات , هو أن النباتات تحتاج إلى الكثير من المغنيسيوم لعملية التنفس . وهو عكس ما نفعله نحن وقت تنفس.
في زمن الماضي كان نبات ياخذ حاجاته من الارض التي كان توفره جميع الضروف .
اما الان اصبحت المدن كبيره جدا واصبح لها صرف صحي يذهب الى تجمعات خاصه او التي تذهب الى البحر والانهار.
فاصبحت التربه فقيره جدا من جميع المواد التي يحتاجها النباتات.( وهي عملية تكرير البراز الطبيعيه التي تنتج عن المنازل والحيوانات التي تذهب الى الارض الى المياه الجوفيه التي تستخدم في ري )
فحلت مكانها في عصرنا الاسمده التي يوجد فيها نسبه عاليه من المغنيسوم وهي الاسمدة الكيمائية وغيرها من مواد وعناصر مهمه لنباتات.

ومن اهم وظائف المغنيسوم هي:

1- تنظيم استقلاب الكالسيوم في الجسم واصلاحه 

2- يقضي على تكلسات في العمود الفقري 

3- وتكلسات المشتركة وتكلسات في الشرايين 

4- وتكلس الكلى التي تحدث حجارة وتكلسات في غياب المغنيسيوم .

وهذا كله يحدث من نقص المغنيسيوم في الجسم.

اكتشف أيضا أنه ينشيط الجهاز المناعي 

واستخدم ايضا لغسل الجروح بالمغنيسيوم في حرب 1914-1918، دون معرفة السبب.
والدليل على ذلك أن في فرنسا، حسب خريطة السرطان تبين أن المغنيسيوم في النصف الجنوبي من أراضي فرنسا لديها الكثير المغنيسيوم، وكان معدل وفيات السرطان أقل من 3.5٪ (خمسة في المئة من ثلاث نقاط). وفي شمال فرنسا، حيث التربة  فقيرة في المغنيسيوم، أكثر من 8.5٪ (ثمانية ونصف في المئة) من الناس يموتون من السرطان

ويستخدم المغنيسيوم في الحالات التالية 

وفي حالات الثآليل

حصى في المرارة

كلوريد المغنيسيوم يبطئ الانبثاث السرطان

 Interview with Dr. Luiz Moura: 

Magnesium is of enormous importance in the use of day-to-day, everybody should take, because food today is low in magnesium. The reason is simple too, is that plants need a lot of magnesium to breathe. The mechanism clorofílico them - that is, the fixation of carbonic gas and elimination of oxygen - is the opposite of what we do. Who makes the plant is chlorophyll by magnesium.
It turns out that the chemical fertilizer that is used nowadays is NPK - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It resets the magnesium in the soil. Previously - when cities were all houses had pit - the magnesium eliminated through feces that is returned to the groundwater.
But today everything goes into the rivers and the sea, there is an increasing impoverishment of magnesium in the land.
The two most important functions of magnesium are regulating calcium metabolism in the body and fix calcium where it should be and eliminate calcium where there should be. Calcifications in the spine, joint calcifications, calcifications in the arteries, occur for this lack of magnesium. The kidney calcification, calcium oxalate stones occur in the absence of magnesium. Just take magnesium to the patient such that it melts kidney stones, which are not urate and phosphate.
Professor Pierre Delbet, medical, used  magnesium to wash wounds in the war from 1914 to 1918, without knowing why. After he discovered that magnesium also activated the immune system . The proof is that, in France, the map and the map of cancer show that the magnesium in the southern half of France lands have much magnesium and cancer mortality was less than 3.5% (three point five percent). And in northern France, where the soils are  poor in magnesium, more than 8.5% (eight and a half percent) of people dying of cancer.
In Italy it is much worse, the experience is interesting because of a decree of a Caesar valid today. Many people die of cancer without knowing why. In the book of Professor Pierre Delbet "Preventive Policy of Cancer", it shows the incidence of cancer of the north to the south of Italy. By a decree still in force, an emperor, one of the Roman Caesars, was prohibited to transport salt from one region to another not to endear the salt, the purpose was. It turns out that because of it - and how northern Italy is very rich in rock salt, salt of the earth that has only sodium chloride and magnesium mines zero - cancer incidence varies from 7% (seven percent) to 10% (ten percent).
In central Italy, where the capital, Rome, people now use sea salt. But, as has more purchasing power, uses a salt that has a little bit of magnesium, 0.08% (zero point zero eight per cent) of magnesium. Cancer incidence drops to 4.5% (four and a half percent). And in southern Italy, by poverty, people use the salt that he gives to cattle, which is a salt rich in  magnesium, but that turns water turns brine. So they use wooden tubs, which put the salt, seasoning food. It is their tradition. And because of this, in southern Italy the incidence of cancer is hardly 2% (two percent), the magnesium content.
Knows where the magnesium chloride we use here in Rio de Janeiro comes? It is the salt produced in Cabo Frio, where the magnesium chloride - which is highly hygroscopic - is removed so the salt can be traded and have more value.

Dosage the use of magnesium

To prepare is the simplest thing: 20g (twenty grams) or two tablespoons of shallow on one (1) liter of water. If the person does not have anything as a dietary supplement, take one (1) cup of coffee per day. But if the person already has column with osteophytes (spurs), arthrosis, take two (2) cups of coffee per day this solution of magnesium chloride. In the case of kidney stones, I get to give three (3) per day, when the calculations are calcium oxalate.
To wash the wounds do not use this strong solution of 20g (twenty grams) in one (1) liter of water. Using a solution that is isotonic, 20g (twenty grams) in two (2) liters of water. This solution works better than disinfectants. Because, besides functioning as a disinfectant, it stimulates the immune system at the site.

And in cases of warts

Warts occur because of lack of magnesium. And due to this deficiency viruses are able to multiply, creating warts.

And if chloride is humid inside the bottle

No problem, no importance, salt has no time expiration, magnesium has no shelf life, is eternal.


Lack of magnesium is causing renal calcium oxalate stones. Calcium is precipitated and fixed to the oxalic acid contained in the potato, tomato, spinach, etc. Generating renal calcium oxalate stones.

There are other types of kidney stones

There are the urate produced by meat - mainly guts - and phosphate, which comes from vegetables that have phosphates.

The Magnesium chloride slows cancer metastases

No, so stop, I do not say, but I say at least slows, as Professor Pierre Delbet proved in his book "The cancer preventive policy." The individual - using a sufficient amount of magnesium a lifetime - has the possibility of having incomparably less than those that have magnesium deficiency cancer.

No contraindication to the use of Magnesium Chloride

The only case was whether the person has kidney failure. Because the excess magnesium is removed in the urine. Now if the person is not urinating, then you can spend a hypomagnesemia - which is common - for hypermagnesemia. But only if the person is not urinating normally.

Correct dosage of Magnesium

For example, a wrong: magnesium chloride sold in drugstores in a dose of 33g (thirty-three grams) dissolved in one (1) liter of water can be laxative. There really is too concentrated, would that be 20g (twenty grams) in one (1) liter. Either these 33g (thirty-three grams) should be dissolved in 1 ° (one and a half) liter of water.

Interview with Dr. Luiz Moura 
Fonte: http://solucoesperfeitasecriativas.ning.com/profiles/blogs/entrevista-com-dr-luiz-moura-a-import-ncia-do-magn-sio

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